Davi Sales. Illustrator and Graphic Designer.
Since I was a child I was confident I will be a drawer. I have invested a lot of time on that, today "I undestand the real meaning of my wish was to be a illustrator. A Career which I love and cannot give up despite all difficulties.
I like to Draw!
I got A degree in Graphic Design at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), before I studied fine artes in the same University, but it is a not concluded degree.
I got A degree in Graphic Design at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), before I studied fine artes in the same University, but it is a not concluded degree.
I have worked with Illustration since I was 20. There are a some experience years.
I have made too many jobs for advertising companies in Salvador, my hometown, and design studio on all Brazil. I love comics, even I having not time to produce a single panel. Today, helped by internet, I have worked for many clients from all world, there are the benefits on the digital era.
For a year I have lived in Canadá (Toronto) where I worked in a design section from a small sports newspaper. This experience was great to my english skills and to make some contacts there.
Today I live in Salvador and I have devoted all my time in my studio doing illustrations to clients in Brazil and from the world.